Listen To Riquelme

Riquelme: Carlos, um, we need to talk. Carlos, are you listening to me? Carlos, would you stop smiling for a second and listen to me?
Tevez: Sorry, Juan, but there's this mime across the street and he's acting like he can't get out of a box. Do you see him? There isn't even a box there. Juan, you're not even looking...
Riquelme: Listen, Carlos, you know how much I think of you. You're one of the best young footballers in the world and so you have an obligation-
Tevez: A what?
Riquelme: A duty-
Tevez: Juan, are you mad at me?
Riquelme: No, I'm not mad at you. It's's just...your eyebrows, man.
Tevez: What's wrong with them?
Riquelme: They're out of fucking control is what's wrong with them. You shouldn't have only one eyebrow.
Tevez: You shouldn't?
Riquelme: No. You have two eyes. You need two eyebrows.
Tevez: That does make sense.
Riquelme: So promise me you'll get your eyebrows taken care of. I know you have the money.
Tevez: I'll think about it.
Riquelme: No, Carlos. Don't think about it. Do it.
Tevez: Okay, Juan.
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